Saturday, July 4, 2009

Lustful bed motives

Some hotsh$t right now:

To kiss to hold,
to know to show
Thy passion for romance lovers no,
I project,
one's eyes with regrets,
That sooner thy captive for beds need wet
As waters reflect...
more passion for sex,
Without ties and lies and moral objects

So who, would do an honor so soon,
Nights have started,
Red lights in rooms
from moons
and rays,
of love and ways
bundles of hayes

Real talk, cum slow
before I relax,
shower has rained inside wonderful tracks
outlined by lips
from hips,
that show pnik
marathon genius...
I'll leave with a wink

So grab thy heart and keep it close
Once broadway chooses bread
thine arms are toast....

Can't breathe
for knees
of passion are weak
real talk,
thy love exist at every utopian peak
with words of eternity
I'll be
undressing my queen
with tounges going deep

How many days?....

Why ask,
eternity goes slower when thoughts aren't fast

So yes It's wess aka broadway
moreless I pop off and the lights on all day...make way

Good niight laidies and to the fellas you know the kid on that hotsh$t...eazee homies-1


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